Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shift Adjustment

I hoped to have a fun, sexy story with pics to post today, but unfortunately, that's not the case. My knight's new work schedule gives him Monday and Tuesday nights off. I planned a little something special for him for Monday night and Tuesday night, but the schedule adjustment has made him grouchy and unwilling to remember some of our basic rules. Last night was ruined by his simple neglect to check in with me before making other plans. Monday night's plans had to be canceled because of simple rudeness.

I know these issues are caused by the schedule change because they are completely out of character for him. He's feeling sad and lonely because we are on different sleep schedules. My knight gets depressed, sad, lonely, and very whiny when we can't sleep curled up together. Somewhere deep inside he seems to take it personally. On an emotional level if he can't sleep curled up around me he feels like I am disappointed him him, or mad at him, or rejecting him. He's okay one or two nights, but longer than that is a problem. I understand that, and so didn't issue a consequence for his transgressions.

But, that does not make the behavior excusable.

At the same time, it's my job to find a solution that will work for both of us. I'm working on it. Hopefully this week will go better.

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Knight has a thing for body piercings. I have a couple piercings that he gets to play with and take photos of when he's been really good...