Thursday, February 7, 2013

Approaching 60,000

This blog is approaching 60,000 pageviews. When I started this, I never expected anybody to read what I had to say. I started QnK as a way to talk to myself and work out the changes I was initiating in my marriage. I wanted some sort of written record to refer back to when I was unsure if we were on the right path - and I didn't want it on my laptop where my kids could find it. This blog has served that purpose, and many more besides. I have learned a lot from the people who read this blog, and from the blogs I read regularly.

I've decided that I need to do something to celebrate the 60,000th pageview.  So... I am holding a contest. I think I've mentioned that I make all natural herbal products. One of the products I made is massage oil that doesn't run. When stored below 70 degrees, it is semi- solid. When you get some from the jar and rub it between your hands, it turns liquid. I came up with the recipe because I hate typical runny massage oil. It's runny, it never stays where you want it, and it makes a mess on the sheets. My coordination isn't always the best because of the M.S, and I have accidentally dumped a half bottle of my favorite oil all over our bed more than once. So... I created my own.

The contest winner (s) will receive ONE 8oz container of my homemade massage oil in the scent and strength you choose. The winner will be announced Saturday, Feb 16, 2013 and the oil will be shipped that same day, or the following Monday.

Contest details: Tell me your  favorite scent or type of massage oil, and why it's your favorite. There is no need to be graphic -this isn't an erotica writing contest. You may either post your answer in the comments section OR email to me at

I will randomly chose one or two entries from among my 20 favorite answers.


  1. Mistress Angelique,

    Eucalyptus or lavender Not sure which. Both have a pronounced calming effect. Lavender is more well known for this, but Eucalyptus does too in a bit more mysterious way. I will go with Lavender though.

    If the goal of yours ever changes from a convenient place to journal to instead increase the number of page hits, there are easy ways to do so. I work in I.T. and can explain them if you wish.



  2. Congrats on the blog, I love the blogging community and the interaction with others and enjoy reading yours.

  3. You guys have gone very quiet, hope everything is okay.



Knight has a thing for body piercings. I have a couple piercings that he gets to play with and take photos of when he's been really good...